Each pin stack is cut in one or more places perpendicular to its length. For example, Medeco locks use special wedge-shaped bottom pins that are rotated into one of several possible positions by the key cuts (which can be cut at different angles). The plug can rotate freely only if the key lifts every pin stack's cut to align at the border between the plug and shell. Typical commercial and residential locks have five or six pin stacks (although four and seven aren't unheard of), with from four to ten distinct cut depths used on each. Yet, if not a wise choice in terms of commercial production, these variants of Dunhill’s classic large billiards are more then well worth searching out, for they are wonderful, albeit dangerous smokes. The picks are available with blue plastic handles. Become comfortable with this before you try picking this lock with torque or you could bend or break your picks. It is not clear what some of these picks are intended to actually do. In particular note that because the pins are slightly out of alignment, as the plug is turned gently, only the pin stack that is most out of alignment actually prevents further rotation.
Probably the best book I've found on picking locks is the Gerry Finch Manual of Lock Picking, which unfortunately appears to be out of print as of this writing. A common door lock mechanism in Europe uses a standardized "European profile" lock module. Around the circumference of the plug is a shell, which is fixed to the door or container. India, they are commonly used for door locks and padlocks as well. See Figure 1. (In practice, the cuts are produced by stacking pin segments of particular lengths, not by actually cutting the pins; hence the term "pin stack.") With no key in the lock, all the pin stack cuts rest within the plug. Surreptitious entry (e.g., for espionage or law enforcement surveillance) is likewise often best accomplished by obtaining a key or through the use of specialized decoding or bypass tools designed to quickly and quietly defeat the locks used by the target. Many experienced locksmiths and expert lock pickers prefer "home made" tools to the commercial selections, especially for picking unusual and high security locks. Picking locks requires skill, practice, and the use of rather unusual (and not widely available) tools.
If only serrated top pins are used, reverse picking may be successful. Bolden, Janee; Aswad, Jem (May 24, 2023). "Offset's Reset: The Rapper on Remembering Takeoff, Moving on From Migos and Launching His Next Era". If you inadvertently push a pin up too far or are applying so much torque that more than one pin is binding, you may have an overset pin instead. See Figure 2. The plug will be blocked from rotating if any pin stack is lifted either not far enough (with the cut still in the plug below the shear line) or too far (with the cut pushed above the shear line and into the shell); to rotate, all pin stacks must have a cut at the shear line. If this pin stack is slowly pushed up with torque applied to the plug, eventually its cut will reach the shear line and the plug will turn a bit more. Right: Side view, with part of the shell and plug cut away to expose the six pin stacks. The top pin of the most misaligned pin stack becomes "pinched" at the shear line between the plug and the shell.
Because there are two independent shear lines, there is no way to control, or even tell, at which shear line a given pin stack sets. The plug/shell border is called the shear line. The basic design consists of a rotatable cylinder tube, called the plug, linked to the underlying locking mechanism. The principles and skills of lock picking, once mastered, can be applied against the vast majority of commercial pin tumbler locks, and the basic tools, if somewhat unusual, are quite simple. Lock picking is useful and worth studying for its generality and simplicity. Lock picking is a core skill of the locksmithing trade and is also of value to those evaluating, investigating, and studying security systems. Unfortunately, many of the commercially available lock pick kits consist mostly of useless gimmicks. You have to be prepared to pick locks in either direction. However, because the precision with which locks can be manufactured is limited by physical processes, materials, economics, and usability considerations, exploitable weaknesses almost always exist in practice.
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